La Société Française d'Hématologie a pour but de favoriser le développement de l'Hématologie, de promouvoir la recherche et les échanges en Hématologie et d'associer les personnes et les groupes qui s'intéressent à l'Hématologie.
BD Biosciences is a world leader in bringing innovative diagnostic and research tools to life science researchers, clinical researchers, laboratory professionals and clinicians who are involved in basic research, drug discovery and development, biopharmaceutical production and disease management. The BD Biosciences segment is focused on continually advancing the science and applications associated with cellular analysis.
Miltenyi Biotec is a global biotechnology company headquartered near Cologne in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. The company is a provider of products and services that support scientists, clinical researchers, and physicians across basic research, translational research, and clinical applications. The company offers solutions covering techniques of sample preparation, cell separation, cell sorting, flow cytometry, cell culture, molecular analysis, clinical applications and small animal imaging. These technologies support a complete workflow, enabling the access, analysis and utilization of primary and primary-derived cells. Since its founding in 1989, the company has been dedicated to the promise of cellular therapy and the goal of making cellular therapy a greater reality for more patients.
La Fondation ARC
Accélérer la recherche pour prendre le cancer de vitesse : c’est la mission que s’est donnée la Fondation ARC
Reconnue d’utilité publique, la Fondation ARC est la seule fondation française entièrement dédiée à la recherche sur le cancer.
Notre Conseil scientifique indépendant nous permet de sélectionner les projets de recherche les plus innovants en France et à l’international, avec un objectif : guérir 2 cancers sur 3 d’ici 2025.
Parce que nos ressources proviennent exclusivement de la générosité de nos donateurs, testateurs et mécènes, nous avons besoin de vous pour accélérer la recherche sur le cancer.
Incyte's goal is to become one of the leading global biopharmaceutical companies. Incyte is a company founded on the premise that investment in good science and the rigorous pursuit of R&D excellence can translate into new medicines that can positively affect patients' lives.
We have an experienced team with a track record of success, and our goal is to create first-in-class and best-in-class therapeutics. We pursue this by combining critical target selection with our world-class medicinal chemistry expertise.